How To Install WordPress Locally On Desktop
Step by step easy pictorial tutorial to install wordpress on local computer . Install wordpress in 15 minutes and get your offline blog ready. Same way to install wordpress manually on any web host. Similar methods may be used to install different web softwares like phpbb, bbpress, joomla, drupal…
How To Use Pen Drives as RAM on Windows XP
A quick tutorial to make use of USB pen drive as RAM to boost the performance of windows xp based computer. Also support win 2000, 2003.
How to disable/enable shutdown in start menu
A simple 5 minute step by step procedure to enable/ disable the basic options in start menu and task manager. This might be the threat way I guess for next generation viruses/ malwares. Keep yourself updated and safeguard your computer.
Google tips? RED ALERT, never consider them!!!
RED ALERT!!! Does your google homepage show google tips? Your are infected. Read this to know how creatively the malware programmer has introduced the new product Google Tips. A must read article for all internet users. How you can be cheated by someone who has master plans to make money….
Backup your drivers with Driver Genius
Backup of different drivers made easy within very few clicks. Backup/ restore/ update drivers automatically.