Twitter Follower Counter Plugin For WordPress
Count the total number of twitter followers and display on your wordpress blog as a small chicklet. Now more easy with this great plugin. Insert the chicklet into your wordpress template or use a sidebar widget to display how many people follow you.
Youtube Blocked? Here Is The Solution!
No.1 Internet Service Provider of India, BSNL blocked youtube website. Here is a quick step by step solution which works for all ISPs to gain access to youtube instantly.
How To Write Text u?op ?pisdn
u?op ?pisdn! Can you write such text? It grabs your attention on social media and also forums. Want to know how it is possible. Attain more diggs and other bookmarks just by a cachy title. Read more…
How to disable/enable shutdown in start menu
A simple 5 minute step by step procedure to enable/ disable the basic options in start menu and task manager. This might be the threat way I guess for next generation viruses/ malwares. Keep yourself updated and safeguard your computer.
How to save copy protected images/ videos/ flash on websites
Download copy protected objects on any web page. No software needed, just use this trick to get it done in few seconds. Very simple tweak to save restricted images or other objects like video from different sites which block even right clicking on images.