One Click plugin updater – Install / update plugins/ themes in one click
This great plugin can install new theme/plugin or upgrade all plugins in a single mouse click. This is a must have plugin for hyperwebenable users and highly recommended for all wordpress bloggers.
Great WordPress Plugin For Navigation in wp-admin
Navigate to any page within wordpress in a single click/page load. Fasten your administrator area of wordpress. This is a must have plugin for wordpress users which can save lot of time and slight bandwidth within the wp-admin area.
Play with xhtml and css codes
Find out the html tag/ attribute bugging you in a single click. A very intelligent interface to make coding a fun game. You can easily make out the codes which you thought to be a burden till now. A wonderful quick reference manual for budding webmasters.
My Floating Blue Theme
A description about the floating blue theme which I use on my wordpress blog. It is a modified version of My April Reloaded.
Fix Rich Text Editor Problem in WordPress
Fix the editor problem in wordpress by installing a simple light plugin. A more powerful rich text editor is yours for FREE. You will get much more options to edit and design your post.