My Floating Blue Theme
A description about the floating blue theme which I use on my wordpress blog. It is a modified version of My April Reloaded.
Fix Rich Text Editor Problem in WordPress
Fix the editor problem in wordpress by installing a simple light plugin. A more powerful rich text editor is yours for FREE. You will get much more options to edit and design your post.
How to upgrade your wordpress in hyperwebenable
Quick upgrade procedure for wordpress, no need to worry about tech aspects. Upgrade within seconds in few clicks. Step by step description with pictures.
Alexa changes its ranking criteria
A few days back I discussed about alexa can be used as a thumbnail utility. A recent announcement from Alexa told that they are changing the way they rank different websites.
Create a thumbnail or screenshot for your website
Many of us use our photos or any edited photos as profile photo for many networking sites. What if we could be able to use our website thumbnail for such photos. We can create our own website thumbnail by using any of the following methods.