What is an Internet Troll? Details on Internet Trolls and Trolling
Have you ever heard of an internet troll? If “No” is your answer, here is the right solution for you. Find all information you require to know about internet trolls, how they work, how to avoid and get rid of them. Trolls are really annoying people on forums and blogs and they enjoy to see different users being abused.
How To Register a Domain Name Free: COM, NET, ORG, US, INFO Free Domains
Register.com has a special type of free domain offer for .com, .net, .org, .us and .info type of domains. Anyone can register a free domain for the period of one year. This is best suited for domains which are needed for certain period. Now register free domain names and enjoy free own website with free hosting providers. Check out the great offer and get your self a free personal domain name.
1 Minute Image Optimization to Make Website Load Fast
Is your website loading too slow? Its very bad for you and users as slow websites have high bounce rates and won’t work well for human visitors. Slow websites may be a result of unoptimized images. Images should be optimized to achieve fast loading of webpages and here is the easy procedure to reduce the image sizes and create fast loading websites.
What Search Engines Think of “Search Engine”?
Comparing search engines is what everyone do when a search engine hits the market. Lets keep aside all SEO, SERP, bombing or any techie stuffs. Lets compare SEs in lay man’s way! Here is what different search engines have to say about the query “Search Engine”. The irony is only a few think they are the best.
Add Microsoft Bing Search Engine to Firefox Search Box
If you are loving Bing and would like to add Bing Search Engine into your Firefox, you can get it done in two ways. Check out how easily you can add Bing into your Firefox and start searching on the go.