How To Send Files of Any Size Privately on Internet
Don’t trust public file hosting services like rapidshare, megaupload etc for sending sensitive information. They keep files for a certain period and in which the data may fly to wrong hands. Here is a service where you can safely send any file through internet.
Identify Different Languages with LangID
If you come across any unknown language which you don’t understand, here is how you can identify the language and can translate the same into English with Google Translator. Identify language with text, url, file upload, mail and tweets with this wonderful service.
Send WordPress Post Email to Friend – WP Plugin
Wordpress bloggers use WP-Email plugin to let your users send mails to their contacts through your blog page. Easy to use widgets / hard coding on your theme to bring email feature alive. A nice plugin to increase loyal readers for your blog.
Work Order Quotation Invoice Application – Create Invoice on Websites
Here is a free online inventory management software which help you track your money entirely and create invoices, quotations, estimates and bills. You can install this free web app on server and access it anywhere and anytime.
Webmasters: Get $100 Adwords Credit Free for Targeted Advertising
Google Adwords is offering $100 worth free credit to webmasters towards advertising. If you are one among the lucky webmaster to get this opportunity, this discussion might find you in interest. Login and check your webmaster tools if you have been offered with free promotional advertising credits.