Archive for the ‘featured’ Category


Test Internet Connection Speed/Bandwidth with Internet Speed Meters

Test the actual speed at which you are connected to the internet. Use internet speed meters to detect exact speed at which you download / upload data and access internet. Many users of DSL routers confuse the internet connectivity with their LAN speed, but these tools can detect your the connection speed at the moment. ISPs usually fail to provide the agreed bandwidth and here is how you detect the loss.

How to Get Rid of Junk Mails Online and Stop Spam EMails fromSpammers

Spam is what every internet user is aware of! Spammers do have a particular way of approach and if you take little precautions, you can easily avoid spams being hit to your inbox. Here are the golden rules to protect your ids from spammers and get rid of junk mails knocking your mail box. Its always better to take care not to be infected rather than trying to recover once you are affected.

Boost your Google Earnings with Adsense Video Tutorials

Important video tutorials from Inside Adsense team to boost your google earnings with simple modifications to your ads. Very helpful videos for beginners with Google Adsense.

Remove Unnecessary Processes to Fasten Slow Windows

Is your computer running slow? Has your Windows running out of memory? Cant you run latest softwares on your system? Does your high performance PC performs slower than low configuration one of your friend? Have you lost interest because of your snail PC?
This article is for you. Find out how you can minimize the resource consumption and fasten your Windows PC. Remove all unwanted applications and make your computer work at light speed.

TechPavan First Anniversary: $700 Contest

The first ever grand blog contest. Readers can win great SEO softwares for finding dofollow blogs and directory submission to 3500 directories. Use the softwares, share your experience and win. Contest worth USD 700. Hurry, earn maximum tickets and make sure chances of winning.

About The Author

    Pavan Kumar

    Pavan Kumar completed Engineering in Electronics and Communication in the year 2008. He is very enthusiastic and keen to work on different aspects of computer, internet and mobile related fields. The articles here reflect his creativity. This blog was started as a showcase of solutions for different problems and today it has got a good reputation in the blogosphere. Read More...

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