Create custom signs/ medals/ bills/ presciptions
An easy and quick way to create custom profile image for social network sites. Create a road sign, bill, prescription, wedding sign, motel sign, gold medal. All done within 1 second.
Sunday Pastime #11: Its a wonderful internet
A simple flash animation to educate the importance of internet. You wonder how the life would be without internet.
Get a free domain name by cheating a top blogger!
Trick the code and win a .info domain everyday. Less than 1 minute to get a new domain name for yourself.
Sunday Pastime #10: The power of music
How do different creatures get influenced by music. What is the effect of music you can imagine to the extrimity? Watch this funny commercial and enjoy…..
Sunday Pastime #9: Backup for exam
I have completed my exams just few days back. And in the same mood, I browsed through Youtube to find funny videos of exam/test. Could not find any funny ones, but found this rare video. The guy in this clip uses a tool (?) to copy in the exam. Its a turkish video, better […]