BugMeNot: Firefox add-on for fake logins
If you don’t know anything about the BugMeNot free service, you better read my previous post about that. In fact, that is the most popular post on this site which gets more hits from google. Today, I have come up with a new firefox addon to make your browsing more easy. It is the […]
Buzz your blog with free review….
Jeff, a fellow blogger of Buzz My Blog has got a new idea of reviewing our blogs for free.
I am back online…
Yesterday, this site was down due to some error in coding. Sorry for the inconvenience during that time. The report from internet seer said, site was down for 18 hrs and 20 mins. The error was generated due to some error occurred in coding during install of gocodes plugin. This might be a warning for […]
Orkut updates ::: Feed for your scrapbook
From past few days, I am observing few updates in the social networking site orkut. Orkut being one of the most popular networking sites, is under constant development. Even after 4 years of service, it is still in its beta state. Here I am sharing few of the new options and updates regarding orkut.
How to make a completely hidden folder
Here, I am going to illustrate a method to completely hide a folder which you dont want to be displayed – not by using attributes, but a tricky method. It can be done without changing any attribute, without using any software, without adding/removing any files. Its a simple trick which can be done with normal […]