Retain Website Visitors When Moving Web Hosting
Finding a dip in traffic when you move your site from one webhost to another? Here is a way you can fix the problem to a greater extent. Retain your constant visitors even when you switch your web hosting provider.
WinMerge: Compare and Merge Two Files, Folders
Compare and merge two files or folders with similar content using file comparing utilities. Comparing files is a very important task which is very much required for a developer. This free utility WinMerge can speed up the process of finding the difference between two files and merging the differences to make the file identical.
Searching Ideas? Get One Here – Trade Ideas Online For Free
Generating idea is the most challenging thing. Why not get an idea which is already thought by someone at the cost of one idea which you can think of. Get ideas on everything under the sun. Numerous ideas to browse through, but contribute your genuine idea.
Sharpen Your CSS Skills With Free Online CSS IDE
Here is a free online CSS editor tool to help novice developers improve their CSS skills. This one page CSS simulator utility helps you test your CSS codes without refreshing the page. Get instant CSS modification results while working.
Free Unlimited Time Whois Privacy Protection for Web Domains
Whois privacy is to protect domain owner’s personal details like address, phone number, mail id etc. Here is a hack for users to get a free whois domain privacy for an unlimited time. If you are already a user of, go get your free whois privacy fast.