Is Downloading Files from Rapidshare Illegal ?
Is there any doubt in your mind if downloading files from rapidshare servers is legal or illegal? Here is the clear cut explanation on the legality or illegality of rapidshare files. Know the perfect answer before downloading files from rapidshare server.
Download Yahoo Messenger for iPhone
Now, Yahoo IM users can easily keep in touch with all buddies using their iPhone. iPhone app for Yahoo Messenger is now available on iTunes store and users can download it and start chatting with Yahoo friends.
Yahoo Mail Down for Maintenance Without Notice
Yahoo Mail down without notice or blog update affecting users.
How to Change Time Format in Windows
Here is the procedure to change the time format of Windows. If you want to modify the time format from default 24 hours type to 12 hour type or viceversa, you can follow the procedure given here.
Test Your Skills in Microsoft Domains: Are You Certifiable
Here is a questionnaire to self evaluate your Microsoft related skills. Test your knowledge and information in different Microsoft technologies. Answer the maximum questions and determine if you are eligible to get Microsoft Certification.