How to View NSFW Videos, Photos & Content in Office
Written by Pavan Kumar on June 22, 2010
Not Safe/Suitable For Work or Not School/Work Suitable (NSS / NWS) is an objectionable type of content which you should not open in workplaces or schools. This article is not about proxies to bypass network restrictions, but to help avoid any circumstances where the user can accidentally open an NSFW site while at office/ school.
Variably SFW is a service which helps you check any site before opening if you doubt whether the site is NSFW. The page has a text box where you enter the url which needs to be tested. Once you click on preview, you will be redirected to a page which has a slider which can be slid to display the content partially to confirm if it is a page safe for work. Slider can be moved for more contrast if the page looks legit, otherwise you can avoid visiting the page and protect yourself.
Also read: What is proxy server, Setup firefox proxy configuration
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I got to know you working for some company… no wonder this post coming here
Experience speaks.. Meanwhile useful site..
I used to use a firefox addon for the same purpose..