How to Convert Animated GIF to Frames / Still Images Online

Written by Pavan Kumar on September 12, 2009


Image optimization for websites is best with JPG and PNG, for animated images, GIF is right one as it is supported by all browsers. GIF image file format supports two types of images, one is a normal still image (which is not recommended to be used for a blog) and other one is an animated image file. Animated images provide a great functionality / add more value to any content you write.

Animated GIFs are used on websites to grab the attention of user towards the object to make them click on that. They are better than flash animations for reasons that they are comparatively easy to make, occupy less space and easy to use on webpages.

Such anims are nothing but a set of image frames which are set to repeat at a certain fixed interval. If you want to split animated gif image file into its frames / individual files, there are many software utilities available for free, but here are the ways to accomplish the same online without any softwares.

1. Gifninja – Split an Animated GIF

This website takes the user image through file upload and you can split your anim GIF into frames with just a click. You can also download all the converted individual files in the form of a zipped file format. Gifninja website also provides other image services like creating GIF, resizing image and converting video format. Try Gifninja.

Split animated GIF into frames

2. GIF Explode – Converted animated GIF images to sequence of still images

Though the web interface is not as attractive as previous one, it supports not just user uploaded image, but also you can make use of any online image hosted on any server. This is an advantage when the image is of few MBs and user has a slow internet. They also are one step ahead of the first that they provide a Firefox Addon with which you can split frames of any anim gif image while browsing on Firefox. Try GIFExplode.

Explode GIF to individual images

Also read: Download protected images from websites, Fun photo editors, Unblock internet images on Firefox, Free GIF "Loading" icons


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You can create Animated Pictures online using web based photo animation software. I can name a lot of them. One of them is

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    Pavan Kumar

    Pavan Kumar completed Engineering in Electronics and Communication in the year 2008. He is very enthusiastic and keen to work on different aspects of computer, internet and mobile related fields. The articles here reflect his creativity. This blog was started as a showcase of solutions for different problems and today it has got a good reputation in the blogosphere. Read More...

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