How To Track Sent Email Status if Read or Unread
Written by Pavan Kumar on September 1, 2009
In today’s internet world, its almost true that a person without an email id has no existence. If you use internet, you are expected to have an email id. If you have an id, you send and receive mails. Sometimes we send some private messages which we expect a reply from and hence its a need to track if the email sent is being read or not, here is how to spy an email of its read status.
Spypig is a free emai tracking service with which you can be alerted when the email you sent is read(opened) or not. Spypig works like a stat counter service which generates a new track code for every user and when the tracker id is loaded in a web browser / email program it will be notified to the sender of the mail.
To spy your mail, head on to their homepage, provide details like mail id, subject to be alerted, tracker image (you can choose a white image with which no one can identify they are being tracked), and how many times you want to be notified. Once you click the activate button, you have to be quick to copy the image to you mail compose section – they give 60 seconds for that. Now send the mail to anyone and see you will be alerted when the mail has been read.
A sample alert message is like below:
Also read: Insert inline images in emails, Get rid of spam emails, Email protection on WordPress, Email icons
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Really a nice app… Thanks for sharing