Launched as Tweetmeme competitor

Written by Pavan Kumar on August 20, 2009


Tweetmeme had been the undisputed emperor in the world of Twitter retweet based social bookmarking. Tweetmeme is currently serving more than 10M impressions of their buttons all over the internet daily. You might feel it wonder to know such a huge venture is handled by less than 10 employees at Tweetmeme. - popular links tracker on twitterToday, a competitor for Tweetmeme, has entered the business and started with huge campaigns to bring the best people into the field and give their business a kick. To attract more bloggers to use their service they have announced a prize of $10000 for a lucky winner if they ( reach 1 Million page views in 1 month. Its really a matter of luck to win such a huge amount, but remember that only luck matters to win and not the performance of your blog with them.

Real retweet button from retweet.comThe buttons they call real retweet buttons are really cool for those who have gone blind for Tweetmeme retweet buttons, but currently they don’t have a proper code which you might want to add into your template so that it appears on every page of your blog nor they have any plugins yet.

Check out the promo video of below:


Also read: Know Twitter profile age, Twitter based web search engine, Rapidshare premium accounts on Twitter


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2 Readers responded to this post

Don’t you think this flurry of twitter retweet services and directories are causing too much of spam? I mean, the same short text is being aggregated by way too many services without adding any major search or discover feature (or grouping content better)

@ Ajith,

I agree with you, they are indeed rewriting the already existing text on the internet. We consider such duplicate content issues as a part of SEO, but in this case we need to make sure that not all websites are SEO driven – most of the twitter bases services are driven by tweets, tweets and tweets only. More the number of followers, more the visitors they get – they don’t need to care what Google thinks of them.

Just for example I am pasting the screenshot of google results for the top item at, you can observe the original blog post is ranking at top followed by other blogs, twitter’s original tweet > a retweet and nowhere or hold a place.

You can read an interesting interview with tweetmeme here:

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About The Author

    Pavan Kumar

    Pavan Kumar completed Engineering in Electronics and Communication in the year 2008. He is very enthusiastic and keen to work on different aspects of computer, internet and mobile related fields. The articles here reflect his creativity. This blog was started as a showcase of solutions for different problems and today it has got a good reputation in the blogosphere. Read More...

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