Free Website Monitoring Tools to Monitor Website Uptime

Written by Pavan Kumar on July 14, 2009


If you run a website, you know how these webhosts behave and how often they fail to perform to the fullest. Every web host will have their technical problems and that gets annoying when website downtimes is often and of long duration. It becomes the responsibility of webmaster to keep track on his websites regarding uptime and performance.

Monitor website uptime

Here are few free website monitoring tools which you can use to monitor your website uptime.

1. Basicstate

Free web site uptime monitoring service, the send server and network failure alerts at a high frequency rate of 15 minutes. Usually all other free monitoring tools monitor your websites at regular intervals of 30 minutes and this one does it every 15 minutes. This tool is what I am using since long time and agree that they are the best free uptime monitoring service in the industry based on my experience with different services. You can monitor as many websites as you want. They also send alerts right on your inbox or mobile phone as sms. Apart from these alerts, they send daily reports which include the uptime of all the websites you monitor compared with last 14 days’ report. One thing I would like to quote about them is that they look bad. Yes, the website design and email reports are not so attractive, but if you come for how they work and process, they are awesome. You should note that website uptime reports are not 100% accurate with any of the free services as your website is not monitored in real time, but in specific time intervals.

2. Free Web

This service has one added advantage over Basic state, it provides the complete downtime of your website after it is recovered. But the monitoring is done at intervals of 60 minutes. You can monitor multiple websites under the same account. They also send weekly up-time report to your mail box.

3. Site Uptime

This is another service I use, with this you can monitor only one website per account and monitoring is done every 30 minutes. The only advantage with this is that they offer public statistics in case you need.

Also read: Find all Twitter links for your website, hide outgoing referral links on website, get alerts on 404 errors

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13 Readers responded to this post

i like ur blog nice work done by u.i wanna link exchange with u if u r interested.mine blog is for ur reply

Thanks Pavan for ” “.

nice list!! today I got to know about, which looks promising

@ Raju,

Buddy, is no more… its now a parked domain 😐

I’m using the Free service from Pingdom which works the best of all 😀
Also the least check interval time is 1min ,5min etc.

@ Mayur,

I know about Pingdom and it is really good, but the problem is the trial period which lasts in 30 days.

I’m using a free service call are my site up? And it’s fast… Though I’m unsure it’s 15-30 minz but the good thins is with their free account you can monitor atleast 3 blogs at once.

@ Harsh,

Did you mean this one:

It monitors 5 sites for free, but interval is pathetic, 60 minutes 😐

thnks for information….

I use website monitoring service offered by, best of its kind i have used. An user friendly service.

Pavan, You should include on the list.. Very fast alerts with 5 minute checks, response time, error checking, and even monitors my keyword rankings and competitors. It’s in beta right now, but you should check it out if you get time.

Hi there,

I’ve just set up to monitor uptime.

It’s completely free and monitors every 2 minutes. It produces detailed graphs and alerts you via email if problems arise.

If you have any suggestions please contact me via the site.

nice list!! I just stumbled it!

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    Pavan Kumar

    Pavan Kumar completed Engineering in Electronics and Communication in the year 2008. He is very enthusiastic and keen to work on different aspects of computer, internet and mobile related fields. The articles here reflect his creativity. This blog was started as a showcase of solutions for different problems and today it has got a good reputation in the blogosphere. Read More...

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