How To Register a Domain Name Free: COM, NET, ORG, US, INFO Free Domains
Written by Pavan Kumar on June 4, 2009
Recently I got a trick to register a free domain name with This seems to be a genuine trick and it worked for me till "check out". I did not register the complete domain, but the check out amount was finalized as $0. Let us see how to register a domain name free. With this free domain name trick, you will be able to register .com, .net, .org, .us and .info top level domains for 1 year.
To register a domain name for free, you have to go to this promo page on
You will be provided a search box where you can search for the domain name, enter the domain name and choose your TLD (.com, .net, .org etc) and hit search.
If your domain name is available, you will be redirected to login page(with Firefox) or shopping cart (in Internet Explorer).
Login and view the cart – you can remove the domain privacy and uncheck the auto renew option to make your cart entire 0 value (FREE domain).
Now, you can register the domain name in your name/email id.
Note that the second year domain renewal fee will be $35 and hence its wise for you to transfer domain to other registrars like GoDaddy.
One more important thing is that you will be asked the credit card details during the process and without a credit card, you will not be eligible for this offer – no amount will be deduced, they only ask details.
If anyone has tried this before, please share your experiences
You may choose different free webhosting services later on to make your free website.
If you want no hassle, no cost, no credit card, tension free domain name with reliable hosting, HyperWebEnable is the best solution ahead (with two banner ads). You should have an online influence (like a successful blog, forum etc on free platforms) to get the process of acceptance easy.
Note: The screenshots posted here are the ones taken on Internet Explorer, with Firefox, you need to login first to view your shopping cart.
I did not try till the end of the process, nor registered a domain for myself. I cant guarantee about the transfer of registrar on the later part will be as easy as you do in other normal cases. Try it at your own risk. This would specially help if you want a domain just for the purpose of few days/ year (like a college fest, annual announcements, personal domains etc)
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The offer is valid but you need to pay 35$ minimum while renewal – You need to let your readers know about this because it would cost them around 4 times more than any other registrar after a year.