Introduction to Mobile Broadband – Mobile Internet at Broadband Speeds

Written by Pavan Kumar on May 29, 2009


This is one technological aspect which I’ve not  dealt with on my site until now. Today, we shall investigate mobile broadband in more detail. If you have ever wondered how frequent fliers keep in touch through internet, the simple answer is mobile broadband. Many people today carry a netbook and with it, the  convenient mobile broadband.

Mobile broadband dongle from o2

Mobile broadband is your broadband internet connection on the go which does not require any wires, connections, routers or mobile phones. If you look into the technology in more depth, you will find that you use a USB mobile broadband dongle inserted into your laptop/computer. The mobile broadband USB stick is a small flash drive like device which connects you to high speed internet on the go. This enables you to access internet at broadband speeds with the only requirement being the USB stick and the occurrence of a mobile signal in the area you want to connect.

The main advantage of this type of Internet connection is that you will be able to access internet anywhere. This is far better than WiFi, which you may access only at some hotspots. With a mobile broadband plan, you will save money on a landline that you never use. Since this technology is still emerging, you can find some great offers if you want to switch during the initial period. There is also a chance that the prices may go down in future, although this cannot be predicted. Another great advantage of mobile broadband is that you can get good connections even if your area does not support landline networking.

Although there are many advantages associated with mobile broadband, There are few disadvantages too. These are primarily similar to what you might experience with a mobile phone. For example, service may not be available in rural areas or the outskirts of a city. City areas will mostly have mobile signals, however there is a different problem associated with these. Because there are more users in such areas, the bandwidth gets divided and you may experience slower connections than those advertised.  In additon , the speed of mobile broadband is somewhat lower when you are further away from a mobile tower.

Here is a youtube video which can give you some basic information about mobile broadband.



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    Pavan Kumar

    Pavan Kumar completed Engineering in Electronics and Communication in the year 2008. He is very enthusiastic and keen to work on different aspects of computer, internet and mobile related fields. The articles here reflect his creativity. This blog was started as a showcase of solutions for different problems and today it has got a good reputation in the blogosphere. Read More...

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