6 Year Old Kid Generates Christmas Magic Square in 5 minutes
A 6 year old kid I know generated a Magic Square for this Christmas. It did all generation of Magic Square in around 5 minutes. It is a must check out for all my readers.
How to make a Customized Twitter Theme / Background in 2 minutes
Twitter getting more developers contribution everyday. Today’s featured twitter application can create a professional backgrounds instantly and free of cost. You can now have more fun becoming a pro tweeter.
Global Translator Plugin – Adsense friendly or not?
Global translator plugin is a wordpress plugin which provides the functionality of automatic translation to your blog. Lets discuss some ill effects which may cause on your adsense account on using this plugin in an improper way.
Ozh Admin Drop Down Menu Plugin Updates
Ozh Admin drop down menu plugin did not have an update since some time and I really missed it. Now it has got an update making the wp admin even more interesting to compose posts. Thanks to plugin developer.