Life of a Google Query
This image shows you how google search requests are served. All search queries are served in the same way as indicated in the picture. Take an insight about the different servers your query has to travel before you get your results.
What is Forged Page Rank? How is it Achieved? How to Identify it?
Answers to all your questions about forged / fake page rank. It is most important if you are looking to buy a domain from someone. Know details about the forging of page ranks.
Cell Phone Watch – Mobile Phones As Wrist Watch
Ever wonder to see mobile phones in the form of wrist watches? Here are they, a good set of mobile phone watches. Serving mobile features at small size watches.
Sunday Pastime #23: Super Mario, Puppy and The Robot
A funny video with super mario theme where a puppy and robot have fight. Finally the puppy wins, but robot too does its job well. Watch out ! FUNNY !
How To Search Telephone Number Of Any Person
Mobile / Telephone number directories for different countries India, US / Canada, UK.