MyToday Alternative Access Numbers | Vote for Vakow
Recently, 09845298452 has stopped working, here is a list of alternate access numbers for MyToday. Vakow has been nominated for TATA NEN hottest startups, if you love the service, please vote for Vakow to win the game.
Sunday Pastime #20: Where Are Your Subtitles
The real fun goes here. An iraqi terrorist interviewed by an US TV reporter. Check out the conversation and behavior of the man in the video. Very funny.
Siblinks #1: Linking Tech Siblings
The best reads around. Setup your favorite video as wallpaper, insert url into google sms channel to gain gprs and wi-fi visitors, different ways to view / open docx files, unlock locked blogger blog – step by step description, alert about rogue softwares – be careful before you install them.
How To Install WordPress Locally On Desktop
Step by step easy pictorial tutorial to install wordpress on local computer . Install wordpress in 15 minutes and get your offline blog ready. Same way to install wordpress manually on any web host. Similar methods may be used to install different web softwares like phpbb, bbpress, joomla, drupal…
Google Introduces Result Details / S-M-L Feature In Search Results
With new sml feature, google is making our life much more easier than before. You can make searches for your required in a more enhanced or faster way.