Amazing set of Google doodles
Written by Pavan Kumar on July 31, 2008
It is most commonly known that Google changes its logo from default to special logo on several occations. Here is such a set of google doodles which appeared on google since a long time. I got this set in a forward mail and sharing with you all.
Mother’s Day
Father’s Day
Women’s Day
National Library Day
St. Patrick’s Day
St. George’s Day
Da Vinci’s Birthday
Michelangelo’s Birthday
Einstein’s Birthday
Ray Charles’ Birthday
Dragon’s Day
Alfred Hitchcock’s Birthday
Earth Day
Valentine’s Day
Water Day
National Teacher’s Day
125th Birthday of Walter Gropius
Invention of the first laser
Mother’s Day
Design by Jeff Koons
Earth Day
First Day of Spring
Persian New Year
St. Patrick’s Day
Alexander Graham Bell’s Birthday
Leap Year
Chinese New Year
50th Anniversary of Lego Brick
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
25 Years of TCP/IP
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