Rename multiple files in windows
Written by Pavan Kumar on June 25, 2008
This is a very simple trick to rename multiple files with same name. Just remember yourself after copying different files from the digital camera or your mobile. All photos will be having same name which does not mean anything. The common names generated by these devices will be like dsc00101, dsc00102…. You want it to be named with the occation/ photographer. Here is the step by step way to create that.
1. Select all the files which you want to rename. You may use Ctrl key and mouse clicking on different files you like to select.
2. Right click on any one file and select rename. You may alternately do this by selecting File > Rename or even simply by pressing F2.
3. Only one file will be selected for renaming, enter the desired file name and hit enter.
4. All files will be renamed with same name but they differ in the way that the names will be filename (x), where x is the number varying from 1 to number of files-1. The file which got you the option of renaming will be having the name you entered without the number.
Say you enter a name techpavan by selecting 5 files in a single folder, the file names will be techpavan, techpavan (1), techpavan (2), techpavan (3), techpavan (4).
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I knew this trick
thx for sharing 😉