Can you select this text?

Written by Pavan Kumar on May 7, 2008



The center story of this post is a website which I visited recently. I am going to share my experience about that here. The reason that I am posting here is just that I liked that site. That site deals with web design, developing and marketing services and just simply liked the feature that you cannot select the text.

While googling for something else, I landed on a site dealing with web design. I was really impressed by the way they have designed their pages. Here, I don’t mean about the page look and interactivity, but the security. I have had visited some pages like that, but I don’t remember any names for now. Such pages I think can avoid manual content scrappers, mean to say who just copy and paste our content. Of course few such kind bloggers are biting my content too [on blogspot blogs]. I don’t want to name them now, but you can check out on copyscape. I even checked and made sure that it is not an image.

Did you visit the page? If not, I will tell you what the speciality about that. My usual way to read text is by selecting it using mouse. I observed on that page that the text could not be selected. Yes, I even tried several times, but it could not be selected. The same behaviour is found on different pages of the website like the ECommerce Software page. Why I am specifically pointing you to that page is because, it has a link to some other site, it is even hyperlinked as seen on code, but the link is not clickable.

But one noticeable thing I found was about the page meant for search engine optimisation. This particular page had selectable text. I don’t know if they have done such thing purposefully or if it is a mistake. If that is a coding trick, I would like to implement here to avoid spammers but not readers or bots.


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Thats would have been a real nice thing :mrgreen:
but the thing which i noticed was I could select the text and even copy it 😕
See this :-
The challenge

Hope and Greenwood were very particular about the design of their site. The designs were in fact supplied by their branding agency and it was incredibly restrictive in terms of layout. strictly no scrolling was allowed. It have to fit a 600 x 800 resolution screen and all the features on the page had to be squeezed in (as well as lots of others that they included at a later date!)

The result

A fantastic looking site with all the e-commerce functionality that you would expect to find in a modern e-commerce site.

What’s cool on the site – (for techies)
All the sweet titles on this site used a non standard font. Normally this would have meant that whenever Hope and Greenwood wanted to add a new
product they would have to create a graphic for the product title and upload this separately. This would have been very cumbersome. Datadial developed
a tool to enable H and G staff to create graphics on the fly. You can see what we mean by clicking here.


May be they have removed the feature :(
also Even I select the text and read it 😛

Even I could copy it with no problems. In IE you should use Ctrl+A to select text…

M G Harishs last blog post..Google introduces Hindi translation

In internet explorer I did not try, but I could not get it done on firefox… sorry dudes… 😐

Pavan Kumars last blog post..Can you select this text?

I’m able to select text on the website mentioned above in Firefox without any issues. There are Javascripts which can disable right click menu on a particular page.

Nirmals last blog post..How to Import RSS Feeds to Facebook

@ Nirmal

Whatever you read in the above post were true for the moment I wrote them, and now, I too can select all text. Even I did not experience any right click disabled issues as you said. One more thing is that the link in e commerce page is now clickable. Might be they have made some modifications.

@ All

Check out the Last line links at , here the links like “entries”, “comments” and “wordpress” are not clickable [for me, at this time]. What’s your experience?

Pavan Kumars last blog post..Can you select this text?

Even i am able to select text. I guess there are techniques which you can use to disable such features.

Madhur Kapoors last blog post..Youtube for "India" Launched

@ Madhur,

How about the page, can you click on those links I mentioned? Even now, they are not clickable in FF. But they are clickable with IE6. But, the text was not selectable in any of these browsers….

Pavan Kumars last blog post..Solving virus/malware attacks: Part 2

well the easy way would be to view page source and copy anything you want… but i could copy text just fine with FF3…

stratosgs last blog post..HTTP Proxy for hardcores or… masochists!

Simple Javascript can do that for you..

Here is a sample page i have uploaded it…

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About The Author

    Pavan Kumar

    Pavan Kumar completed Engineering in Electronics and Communication in the year 2008. He is very enthusiastic and keen to work on different aspects of computer, internet and mobile related fields. The articles here reflect his creativity. This blog was started as a showcase of solutions for different problems and today it has got a good reputation in the blogosphere. Read More...

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