Trace anonymous phone numbers with TP2Location
Know the location and service provider of unknown phone number bugging you. Track any international number within a second.
How to upgrade your wordpress in hyperwebenable
Quick upgrade procedure for wordpress, no need to worry about tech aspects. Upgrade within seconds in few clicks. Step by step description with pictures.
Sunday Pastime #4: World’s Costliest Ad
This is the world’s very most costliest [sure of three superlatives] ad. The specialty here is that, no graphics and animations are used. This was made with 606 takes and the total cost for the 90 minute shoot is just $6.2 million. Really worth watching if you have never watched. This old Honda ad has […]
Alexa changes its ranking criteria
A few days back I discussed about alexa can be used as a thumbnail utility. A recent announcement from Alexa told that they are changing the way they rank different websites.
Sorry for TechPavan being down…
TechPavan was not uptime for past two days. The reason being my host hyperwebenable shifted to a dedicated server. The service resumed this evening. Since then, I was busy doing some patch work with my theme, and now I am here and next, going to bed. Regular posting will resume back from tomorrow. Thank you […]