Rapidshare Hack: Get Rapidshare Premium Account Trick

Written by Pavan Kumar on April 12, 2008


Let me make it clear, this is not a hack and I don’t know anything about hacking. This is one legit way of creating a free Rapidshare premium account. Here I am just informing you the procedure to do it. You may use your smartness to outperform it and make your Rapidshare account as fast as possible.

Rapidshare awards premium feature to those who have 10000 rapid points. Rapidpoints are those points which one can obtain after having users download the files uploaded by them. Here are simple procedure to follow in order to own a personal Rapidshare premium account for huge downloads and long lasting uploads.

  1. First, create yourself a collector’s zone account. This is a free account and you are not restricted in any way to create this account.
  2. Now, find the topics which are hot and would generate good number of downloads. For this, you may use Google Trends as the tool which can show the trending topics for you to create files. You may also use twitter to know the updated hot topics easily. Twitter is preferred as it is real time and gets updated instantly, while Google Trends is updated hourly.
  3. Once you know the trending topic, create a related file and post the download links to all forums and blogs dealing with that topic. Also you can create new forum threads which can drive traffic to your download file.
  4. As your link getting popular, people start sharing the same link everywhere and you will get a good number of rapid points into your collector zone account.
  5. Once your collector zone account is filled with 10000 points, you can now claim your free rapidshare premium account to download huge stuff without any limitations.

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3 Readers responded to this post

he is very good and i download my games from this website

i didn’t understand ur explanatiom plz give me simple steps to create a premium account plz……..

hai your tricks are awesome. i have been searching for months, and i got few tips now. could you please tell any thing about how to increase download speed because i am downloading at just 30kb/s. i have bandwidth plan which promises to give 256kb/s. please reply to my above address

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    Pavan Kumar

    Pavan Kumar completed Engineering in Electronics and Communication in the year 2008. He is very enthusiastic and keen to work on different aspects of computer, internet and mobile related fields. The articles here reflect his creativity. This blog was started as a showcase of solutions for different problems and today it has got a good reputation in the blogosphere. Read More...

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