Learn to use Norton Ghost 2003
In one of my previous posts, I had promised all my users that I will give a detailed lesson on using the Norton Ghost 2003. Now the time has come to share with you my knowledge of Norton Ghost 2003.
Happy Valentine’s day:::
All of today’s posts are dealing with google and its logos, so thought of wishing you with a google valentine’s day special logo. Happy valentine’s day for all pairs, and happy independence day for singles like me…
Google Fun Pics
After I blogged about Doodle, I started rounding the Google for Google related pictures, and I got these funny ones, I am sharing them here. Just check them out, more funny google pictures can be found here.
Design your logo for Google :
The net giant Google has again organized a competition for all school students of US from kindergarten to 12th standard to play with Google logo. Schools can register for the competition and not the individual students. Students need to design their logo and submit a “What if … ” article of at most 50 words […]
Experience Xperia X1
While I was walking on Youtube, a video stopped me there, it was a 2min,18sec demo video of Sony Ericsson Xperia X1. It demonstrates the basic features of the mobile phone which is planned to be released in the second half of 2008. Just watch the video and post your comments.